Make a Lasting Gift to Ensure the Future of the Wilds

We are grateful to our annual donors who so generously support us.  We are also very appreciative of our supporters who have included the Wilds in their estate plans.  Your gifts to the Wilds are more important than ever as we continue to “advance conservation through science, education and personal experience”.   When you give to the Wilds, you join a community  of people who are passionate about wildlife and wild places.  Give today and help us to inspire hope and conservation around the world.  

Through thoughtful planning, there are a number of ways you can make meaningful contributions while at the same time meeting personal planning goals. Bequests, retirement assets, life insurance, stock, various trust vehicles and gift annuities are all ways to benefit the Wilds and they can also provide you with income tax benefits and estate tax benefits.  We’d be happy to talk to you and to your advisors to find a gift that benefits you and the Wilds.  If you have any questions, please contact Suzy Lucci, Gift Planning, at 614-724-3613 or at